Monday, April 2, 2007

Fingerprint appointment

Paperwork is still moving along. We finally got our homestudy report back so that was the next huge hurdle we had to get through. Our social worker for the homestudy sent that in and we now have our next appointment.
In order to be able to adopt internationally we need a form called the I171H from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigraton Services office. We had sent in our initial application in February. Now Jim and I both must go downtown to the Milwaukee office and be fingerprinted. It can take up to 90 days to get their approval. They give you a time- ours is April 19th at 9am.
In the meantime we hope to finish our paperwork and send it to Madison for certification. Theres about 21 pieces of paper (with about 17 of them being notarized) that Wisconsin has to prove are "official". That process will take about a week. Then we have to send all those papers to the Guatemalan Embassy in Chicago for them to prove as "official" which can take up to 4 weeks.
As you can see, the paperwork seems to never end but the road is getting shorter. We are still on track to receive a referral born this summer.

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