Saturday, May 19, 2007

Paper Pregnant

Now that all the paperwork is done, we are "paper pregnant". All we have to do now is sit and wait for a referral. Because we know there are quite a few families ahead of us waiting for a girl with our agency, we are expecting to wait a minimum of 8 weeks and even up to 12 weeks.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Paperchase is OVER!

We just got an email from our agency saying that our dossier (paperwork) has been officially approved and will be sent to Guatemala with the next shipment in a day or so. This is a huge relief to know the paperchase is finally over!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Mothers Day

Today is actually Mothers Day in Guatemala. How fitting that our completed paperwork arrived at our agency today. They are doing a critical review of each document. So fingers crossed for no redo's!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Local news segment

We did not see it but were told a story about Guatemala adoption was shown on Channel 4 last night. I did read the story online. We just want to let our friends and family know that this is NOT new news to us. This agency has been under investigation for several months. It is partly because of this agency that we are expecting a few delays and why Guatemala is currently trying to change the adoption process for the better. Once we get a referall, we are hoping to get Watermela home in 6-9 months. We are now guessing it may very well be closer to that 9 month timeframe due to known delays. We are very up to date on the adoption process in Guatemala. Please know that there is much more going on down there than what ends up in the news. Adoption is always a risk but we are keeping ourselves educated.