Saturday, September 29, 2007


Excellent news!!! We are still in FC/family court as far as I know. FC is a Guat side process. In the meantime, since DNA match we were also waiting for PA or preapproval from the US Embassy. The PA is basically the US saying we have looked over Nora's documents and we approve her as an adoptable "orphan". On average it was taking 60 days from DNA match. A few lately have been 35-40 days.

Well, we got PA today!! Thats only 17 days after we got DNA match in the mail. Unbelievable!! What an awesome email to get from the governement. :)

Yeah!! We really needed this news! Now if we could only get out of family court!


Bonnie said...

That's wonderful news..YAY!

The Aldridge's said...

Congratulations again!!! We are still waiting to exit FC. Hoping really soon. Hope you see the same speed on FC so that we can bring our children home soon!!!!

Marco & Lorraine said...

Wow this is amazing progress - we just got DNA authorization on Friday, so I am really hpoing our wait for PA is also short! Congratulations (and your daughter is beautiful)!