Friday, January 25, 2008

Her foster sister too!

The foster mom and her family that takes care of Nora always cares for another baby. She is 5 days older than Nora. The family adopting her lives in Illinois. They got their out of PGN call yesterday. So the legal process is also over for them and their daughter will be coming home hopefully in 4-8 weeks.
They entered PGN about 2 weeks before us. Sure it would be great if PGN went in exact order of when files were entered, but they dont. I wish I could say we could then get our out in 2 weeks but I cant. Its the craziness of the Guatemalan adoption process. Theres no rhyme or reason to why some files get thru faster than others.
We are so excited to hear about babies out of PGN though. This means we are getting closer though we hope!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Here is Annabelle's mom, Nora's foster sister. We are praying Nora gets out of PGN any day now so we might go on our pick up trip together and the girls will be together at the hotel as I am sure they are going to miss one another terribly! Thanks for the note of congratulations!