Thursday, January 10, 2008


Jim had both knees operated on today. Heres the update.
So far so good. Took longer than he thought (2.5 hrs). He does well with anesthesia luckily so after a 2 hour nap he woke up ready to go. We came home at 3pm. Ryan is so concerned about his dad its cute.

Left knee. Bad arthritic, needs a knee replacement. Hes only 36 so they want to wait a few more years. They took out 7 floating foreign bodies and chipped off a few bone spurs. His ligaments are shot. ACL totally torn but not repairable on that side. Hes able to walk on it with crutches but not bend yet.

RIght knee. They gave him a sort of nerve block to his leg before surgery to help with post op pain. So far its still feeling okay but Im thinking it will be bad in the am.
They repaired the ACL and were able to use some of his patellar tendon to do that. They did some microfractures which I guess is supposed to help new cartilage develop.
Hes unable to bear any weight for 6 weeks. Hes in a CPM (continuous passive motion) device that basically constantly bends your knee slightly for you and straightens it out.

He has an ice machine that he switches between knees but his right knee is now quite swollen.
I have to take him back to the doc at noon tomorrow for a dressing change and recheck.


Debbie said...

Really sorry to hear that he is having to go through so much on his knees at such a young age. I hope he heals quickly though and that the surgery was a success.

R. Sutphin said...

Glad to hear that he is doing well from the surgery.

Pineapple Princess said...

My husband had the same surgery 1 yr. ago. He is doing better than ever. I TOTALLY remember the days with the CPM and ice machines! I hope he is up and around soon!

The pics of Nora from your previous post are soooo cute. I think our daughters look so similar!