Friday, January 18, 2008

Nothing to report

PGN land is lonely as you get no information for 8-10 weeks. No news is good news. We are past the point where we got the kickout/previo last time and we can only hope its smooth sailing from here to the end. Knocking on wood. So hopefully we will have more info in 4-6 weeks.
But great news for several other families I know in process. Emma and Isabela (links below) are both HOME! Four families with our agency got out of PGN today. So cases are moving.
Jim is doing fine. He's realizing he cant work a full day quite yet. Hes doing his physical therapy and trying to take it easy the best that he can.

1 comment:

Kylie's Mommy said...

I can't wait to see your OUT post!!!!!!!!