Wednesday, April 16, 2008

3 weeks

Time flies when you are having fun! I took Evan and Nora to the zoo today. Weather was sunny and warm but a bit windy. Nora loved watching all the people and just being outside I think.
Ryan is practicing some spanish by reading some of the books we bought for Nora. He sounds so cute trying to say the words. He LOVES reading to her at bedtime.
Nora is still doing really well. I think the worst of the teething is over as both eye teeth are mostly thru (along with her 2 tops and 2 bottom teeth). Shes back to waking up just once a night for the most part for a bottle (but often still wakes up early in the am just to be rocked back to sleep). She still seems to be attaching to us so again no major issues there yet that we can tell. I can be away from her and shes fine but when I come back into the room and if I dont pick her up immediately she has a fit. Shes pretty leary with most people and lets very few hold her (and if we are around barely anyone can hold her lately).


Emma said...

She is such a beauty Amy. Congrats yet again!

Gail said...

I love the pictures!! Both Nora and Evan seem to be adjusting very well.

SBTVD said...

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chris said...

What a cute baby! I saw your link on the Dis boards.

Congrats to your whole family.