Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Spring Fever

Literally for poor Nora. Last couple of days shes had fevers around 104. Took her to the doctor today and ears, throat, lungs, urine are all clean/clear. He thinks it might be roseola or maybe just a plain old virus. If she gets a rash in the next 48 hrs we will know for sure. It seems to be breaking (as the doc thought it would) so shes getting back to her more usual self vs. Miss Whiny Diva that she has been the last few days.
When Nora came home she wasnt really fond of her new brothers in her personal space. We would try to explain to Evan that she just didnt know him that well yet. So now several times a day we hear from Evan... "Look Mom, Nora's starting to know me. Shes smiling." Yes, Nora IS getting to know her new family and its fun to watch. Shes even tolerating Evan sitting on her today so she must be feeling better.
Shes perfected the backwards crawl and scoot around so even though shes not officially crawling, shes pretty proud of herself for being able to get to what she wants.
The weather was great this weekend. The boys got out riding their bikes and playing baseball. Evan goes fast on his motorcycle tricycle. Ryan will be playing coach pitch this year and hes excited. Evan loves to dig for treasure too.

1 comment:

Gail said...

Gosh, I hope Nora is doing better.