Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Shes crawling

Shes been going backwards and sideways for a couple of weeks now. But as of last night shes doing the official forward crawl. Not too far and not too fast yet luckily for us. Shes doing much better after being sick. Had 2 rough days this week of not napping and get overtired during the day but sleeping better at night which helps. And I finally remembered to have someone take a family of 5 photo. It was impossible to get all 3 kids to look nice at the same time though. Either Evan was being goofy or Ryan wasnt looking at the camera. Heres one of a few attempts.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

9 months old

Ends up she had roseola. Fever is gone and her rash is barely there anymore too. Shes back to her happy self and sleeping at night.
We put up Evan's big boy bed last night. He loves it!
Because we seem to have quite a few asking as she gets older, no she will not start talking spanish. Her first language will be english and we hope to all learn more spanish as she gets older. We do use both spanish and english with her when we can.
She does understand a few spanish words now though and Im sure shes learning english too. She knows kisses in spanish (besos) and that makes her smile and laugh. And saying dance in spanish always gets her legs and body moving. She knows the Guatemalan word for bottle (pacha or pachita)-which is different than other spanish speaking countries. She makes lots of sounds but no real words yet, shes a bit young.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Spring Fever

Literally for poor Nora. Last couple of days shes had fevers around 104. Took her to the doctor today and ears, throat, lungs, urine are all clean/clear. He thinks it might be roseola or maybe just a plain old virus. If she gets a rash in the next 48 hrs we will know for sure. It seems to be breaking (as the doc thought it would) so shes getting back to her more usual self vs. Miss Whiny Diva that she has been the last few days.
When Nora came home she wasnt really fond of her new brothers in her personal space. We would try to explain to Evan that she just didnt know him that well yet. So now several times a day we hear from Evan... "Look Mom, Nora's starting to know me. Shes smiling." Yes, Nora IS getting to know her new family and its fun to watch. Shes even tolerating Evan sitting on her today so she must be feeling better.
Shes perfected the backwards crawl and scoot around so even though shes not officially crawling, shes pretty proud of herself for being able to get to what she wants.
The weather was great this weekend. The boys got out riding their bikes and playing baseball. Evan goes fast on his motorcycle tricycle. Ryan will be playing coach pitch this year and hes excited. Evan loves to dig for treasure too.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

3 weeks

Time flies when you are having fun! I took Evan and Nora to the zoo today. Weather was sunny and warm but a bit windy. Nora loved watching all the people and just being outside I think.
Ryan is practicing some spanish by reading some of the books we bought for Nora. He sounds so cute trying to say the words. He LOVES reading to her at bedtime.
Nora is still doing really well. I think the worst of the teething is over as both eye teeth are mostly thru (along with her 2 tops and 2 bottom teeth). Shes back to waking up just once a night for the most part for a bottle (but often still wakes up early in the am just to be rocked back to sleep). She still seems to be attaching to us so again no major issues there yet that we can tell. I can be away from her and shes fine but when I come back into the room and if I dont pick her up immediately she has a fit. Shes pretty leary with most people and lets very few hold her (and if we are around barely anyone can hold her lately).

Friday, April 11, 2008

2 weeks

And still doing well. She did have 48 hrs of fussiness this week in which she woke up every 2 hrs in the night but now shes back on track. She gets so angry when she cant crawl but shes getting closer. As you can tell from most of the pictures, she has her favorite almost tripod like pose.
Evan as usual has to try out all her toys.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Welcome Home Party

We had Nora's welcome home party last night. We had so many people which made for a very nice time. People brought Nora such pretty things. Nora took all the people and noise in stride and seemed to enjoy herself. A huge thank you to all those who brought food or helped with setting things up. We are so lucky to have so many people who love and care about Nora. Thank you all.
We lucked out with good weather finally so the older kids had a blast playing outside playing ball and jumping in the bounce house.
I keep forgetting to have someone take a family photo, oops. Eventually we will have to remember. But getting 5 people to smile for the family is pretty tough (especially with our boys). I tried just getting a nice pic of the 3 kids and you can see how those turned out (poor Nora).
Nora's grandma Judy made the cake (which was very good).

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Home a week

Shes starting her I want to be held all the time phase but otherwise shes still a happy girl. Top 2 teeth are mostly in and now cutting both eye teeth. She LOVES food. She seriously has a fit if she sees anyone eating. She cant crawl yet but will scoot a bit on her belly spinning herself around. She gets mad that she cant quite move yet, its cute. She loves bathtime and splashing around.
The boys are awesome big brothers.